Agriculture Journal IJOEAR Logo
International Journal of Environmental & Agriculture Research
ISSN No. 2454-1850 | Impact Factor 6.69 | NAAS Rating 4.23
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Agriculture Journal: Volume-10, Issue-5, May, 2024

1. Detection of Coronavirus (CCoV) in Dogs by Transmission Electron Microscopy Techniques
SEIDigital Identification Number: IJOEAR-MAY-2024-4
2. Comparative Proximate and Selected Mineral Analysis of Two Edible Land Snail Species (Archachatina Marginata and Archatina Fulica)
SEIDigital Identification Number: IJOEAR-MAY-2024-5
3. Influence of Integrated Nutrient Management with differential substitution of Farm Yard Manure on Grain Yield and Straw Yield of dual purpose rabi fodders
SEIDigital Identification Number: IJOEAR-MAY-2024-6
4. Characterisation of Orchards and Diseases of Sugar Cane (Saccharum Officinaruml.) in Côte D'ivoire: Case of Sugar Complexes of Borotoukoro and Zuenoula
SEIDigital Identification Number: IJOEAR-MAY-2024-10
5. Response of Dairy Cow on Different Types of Feeding Diet: A Review
SEIDigital Identification Number: IJOEAR-MAY-2024-13